Saturday, June 3, 2017

Bloomberg Article - Forecast on Decline in Oil Demand

An intersting view on the oil demand which could be - depending on the point of view - positively/negatively impacted impacted from the following changes:

  1. efficiency improvements, i.e. for engines
  2. electrical cars, some oil companies like Shell plan hydrogen cars from natural gas
  3. biofuels could replace oil
Some Companies mentioned: Peabody (coal), Statoil ASA (Norway), Exxon Mobil.


On the Statoil ASA webpage I found some details about new energy solutions like offshore wind parks. Link:

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Eric Cinnamond

Thanks to csinvesting I learned about Eric Cinnamond who is -according to his website- a portfolio manager for an absolute return strategy and writes about this on the blog. There is also a podcast conversation on The Felder Report.

Homepage of Eric Cinnamond
Podcast on the Felder Report